[orca-list] why Orca can not run when openbox window manager is started without whole desktop environment

Please does somebodz of zou know, whz is it impossible to start Orca by using
openbox &
Orca &
In this case, when I type orca &
I Am getting The following error.

orca:10231): dbind-ERROR **: 22:22:46.278: AT-SPI: Couldn't connect to accessib
ility bus. Is at-spi-bus-launcher running
Who of you have made this unsoft revolutionary changes? And can be Orca started without whole desktop environment by executing window manager first followed by Orca? I have used Orca with Android devices by using userspace variant of Linux distros but somebody have made changes and it is impossible for now. Who of you know, why and if it could be overcomed?

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