Re: [orca-list] where to get Espeak-gnomespeech-driver latest stable source code?

Thank you very much for yours support.
I Am aware, that Speech-dispatcher speech server can use various sound servers including Alsa, and special .so library Libao. I can not run PUlseaudio sound server directly on Userland chroot environment, when ever I want to connect Pulseaudio to port 4713 and in The moment, when Android client want to listen on port 8000 if An connection will go through, I get assertion inside Pulseaudio C language source code.
It is The cause of newest Pulseaudio stable release.
I do not think, that there is some Android client, which will be able to listen data send to ALSA sound server. Or OSS. But thank you very much, as I have told, Speech-dispatcher and Orca are very stable and responsive while using standard operating system or even Rassbery computer. If I will face complex programmers issues, I will rather buy Rasbery latest model with preinstalled Debian on it. It also uses ARM instructions and AC adapter which have 2,1 A output is not expensive.

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