Re: [orca-list] New Member and a Question

Hi Brandon.

I'll take a look at the Pluma spell checker and add support to it in
Orca. Thanks!


On 10/2/18 12:56 AM, Brandon Tyson via orca-list wrote:

My name is Brandon Tyson. I've recently started using Linux on my
laptop with Ubuntu Mate 18.04 with Orca. I've subscribed to the list
so that I can learn from others as well as help out when I can.

I've also done a bit with building Orca from source code and running that.

On a similar note, another user was discussing with me about how the
spell checker in the Pluma Text Editor in Ubuntu Mate is not as
accessible as the spell checker in, for example, LibreOffice Writer or

After some investigation, it was determined that if you take the
scripts for GEdit, copy them into a new folder named pluma and then
use the spell checker, Orca is able to read the misspelled word, spell
it, read and spell the suggestions and read the misspelled word in
context as is the case in other applications.

I'm not sure how to go about pushing this to the repository or what
process needs to happen for this to take place, so I was wondering if
I could please have some help with this? As mentioned before, all
that's necessary, at least what seems to be necessary, is to take the
existing GEdit scripts and place them in a folder named pluma.

Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to any assistance
you are willing to provide, and I also look forward to learning more
about Orca.


Brandon Tyson

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