Re: [orca-list] Anybody tried Fedora 29 yet?

Hi all,

Been using Fedora 29 for a week or so now and just thought I'd write down my findings in case anybody else comes across these issues:

1. Not specifically related to accessibility, but Fedora 29, or more specifically kernel 4.19 broke my NVidia drivers. Patches are available online, and this only applies if you use the drivers downloaded directly from NVidia rather than the ones via rpmfusion.

2. Fedora 29 switches the default synthesizer from espeak to espeak-ng. I had some issues with Orca not speaking all punctuation symbols, which is a known bug in espeak-ng. The solution was to revert to espeak.

3. Issues tabbing between windows and losing accessible events: Working with multiple terminal windows as I do regularly is a real pain as Orca stops speaking them properly after switching windows. I believe this is the known bug in the latest GTK libraries that has been discussed elsewhere on the list.

I think that is everything so far.

Gnome Control Centre is still really hard to navigate, and I do get a sense that outside of the bubble of people on this list, the overall Gnome project appears to have little regard for accessibility. So many accessibility issues could be eliminated at source if developers were more aware of the simple steps they can take when building their apps.

It seems with every subsequent Gnome release things get worce, and the hard-working people on this list are then sent scrambling to sort things out.

Mini rant over!



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