Re: [orca-list] how to force Speech-dispatcher to support Libao on Arch Linux

Dear Janina,
Thank you for yours very founded explanation and for yours professional access to my plea. May be, that you and many other users on this mailing list will think, that I Am wasting time when I try to use various Linux distributions on Android devices. But I love to try new thinks and because Android kernel and dependent services are taking care about build in board chips so nothing overheat, display can not corrupt, so I think, that it can make some sense. Some sighted users are using Linux on Android by using VNC. But in this case, I can not have feedback from text console, because userspace variant of Linux do not support virtual consoles, so I can not simply combine VNC for running Xorg server. I have also heart, that VNC transfer is slow. Ideal situation would be, if I would find some .so library, which would allow Me to communicate with touching display and GPU chip directly, but I AM afraid, that this will really require rooted Android. I have found one .so library which could work like a driver on userspace variant of Linux, it is older compiled .so library. Here is original forum threat. I do not know, if .so library will only work on rooted devices.

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