Re: [orca-list] Orca too chatty with Pidgin and IRC


yes unfortunately it didn't solve my problem. I face the same problem as
Alex - I am announced the number of users in the room which is changing
very often.

I can try to send a debug log.


Dne 15.6.2018 v 16:12 Alex ARNAUD napsal(a):
Le 14/06/2018 à 19:48, Kyle a écrit :
Yes. The Join/Part Hiding plugin keeps the messages from appearing in
the window, so it will keep them from being spoken when the window is
not focused. I use this one and get no entered the room/left the room
chatter, whether the window is focused or not.
It's not related to join/part messages, what it is said by orca is not
those messages but the number of people in a chat room. I'm also
impacted by this bug but I don't know how to reproduce it.

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