[orca-list] Orca too chatty with Pidgin and IRC

Hi guys,

Arch Linux, Orca from Master, Pidgin 2.13.0.

I am using IRC through Pidgin. And it happens that number of people in
various chat rooms changes often.

It happens to me that even if the Pidgin window is not focused Orca
starts reading changes in number of people in chat rooms. Like

45 people in room, 46 people in room...


Do you know what is causing this?

I would like to ged rid of this information.

Concerning Pidgin specific Orca settings:

read the title of the chat room - off

announce when a buddy is writing - off

get a message history from a particular room - off

read messages from: all channels when a Pidgin window is active

Sorry for probably bad translation of configuration names.

Thanks a lot,


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