Re: [orca-list] Orca doesn't start here

Le 20/07/2018 à 11:13, Didier Spaier a écrit :
PS Now I can try the patch proposed by Storm.
Done, and the problem remains.

How to reproduce:
1. Kill orca if running
2. Remove any Orca or spd user configuration.
3. Have installed:
/usr/share/mbrola/fr1/fr1 (male voice)
/usr/share/mbrola/fr1/fr4 (female voice)
at least one other mbrola voice
4. In /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf, have:
DefaultVoiceType  "FEMALE1"
DefaultLanguage "fr"
DefaultModule espeak-ng-mbrola-generic
5. in /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/, have:
GenericExecuteSynth \
"espeak-ng -v mb-$VOICE -s $RATE -p $PITCH $PUNCT \'$DATA\'"
AddVoice        "fr"    "MALE1"       "fr1"
AddVoice        "fr"    "FEMALE1"     "fr4
Debug 1
6. Shutdown the machine.
7. Boot, then login as regular user (didier here)
8 startx # starts mate here today.

Then orca begins to speak.

Expected => actual:
in the Orca Preferences GUI, tab Voices:
The combo box vocal Synthesie: shows "Synthesizer by default 
=> OK as espeak-ng-mbrola-generic is actually used)
The combo box Person shows: voix par défaut (fr)
=>  OK as $LANG is set to fr_FR.utf8)
It is possible to choose another voice using this combo box:
=> KO: no other voice proposed

The voice in use is mb-fr4
=> KO: it is mb-fr1 as easy to hear and shown by:
grep mb- /dev/shm/didier/speech-dispatcher/log/espeak-ng-mbrola-generic.log

I am eager to help investigate this issue. I would need some guidance,
like links to documents specifying the expected behavior or its
implementation, where to look in the code of spd and orca, whatever.

Best regards,


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