Re: [orca-list] A Few Issues with Orca master

Austin Seraphin, le ven. 13 juil. 2018 14:40:29 -0400, a ecrit:
Firstly, double-tapping the caps lock and then typing a letter does
output the capital letter, but Orca doesn't announce it consistently.

I would need a scenario reproducing it, because I don't see this

Secondly, how about a way of toggling the behavior or setting the delay?
I think I might prefer the delay a little longer,

Actually there was no delay.  I have now pushed an implementation to 
git gitlab gnome org:sthibaul/orca.git
in the double-orca-delay branch.  I have set the delay to 0.5s, i.e.
pressing caps-lock twice will only enable/disable capsclock if the
double-press is within 0.5s.


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