[orca-list] Need help getting Mbrola voices to work

Hello Christopher,

Try this:
1) edit again /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf, writing:
DefaultModule espeak-ng-mbrola-generic
2) edit /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-ng-mbrola-generic.conf
and replace line 21 the last word and only the last word which is:
by the whole text in the next line (that ends with a dash)
play -q -t au -
I had also success using one of the following alternatives:
play -q -t raw -e signed-integer -r 16000 -b 16 -
aplay -q -r16000 -f S16_BE -

This works in Slint, I assume it works as well in Debian.

I am using a fairly recent speech-dispatcher from git,
but that probably doesn't matter.

Best regards,


Le 15/07/2018 à 04:29, christopher Gilland via orca-list a écrit :

I hear that people like Kyle, and a few others of you on here have gotten the Mbrola voices working with 
Speech-Dispatcher and Orca. I'm attemtping to get them working but undoubtedly am doing something wrong. I 
have a theory what, but I'm not entirely sure.

So far, what I've done with Ubuntu 18.04 is:

1. Made sure my system totally was up to date with:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

2. I installed Mbrola

sudo apt-get install mbrola

Then, I installed the female US voice, and both the male voices

sudo apt-get install mbrola-us1

sudo apt-get install mbrola-us2

sudo apt-get install mbrola-us3

Then, I opened up speechd.conf

sudo gedit /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

I did a find for mbrola, and found the line that says

#AddModule "espeak-mbrola-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-mbrola-generic.conf"

I removed the number sign at the beginning of that line to uncomment things. I then saved the file, and 
exited gedit.

I then typed,

sudo reboot

I know I could have easily enough just restarted Speech-Dispatcher, but for some reason, I'm having a brain 
fart, and can't remember how to, so rather than breaking things, I figured, just reboot, and be safe.

Once rebooted, I opened Orca preferences, went to the voice page, and under speech synthecizer, I set it to 
Mbrola generic.

I then went to apply, hit space bar on the apply button, and then lost speech entirely.

I suspect that this is because I first need to start the Mbrola service. I'm a little unsure how to do that 
though, or if this is even the issue to start with.

Can someone please explain to me where I went wrong, and exactly what commands in Terminal need to be 
executed to make this work?


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