Re: [orca-list] Need help getting Mbrola voices to work

OK, this is absolutely crazy! When I am in Terminal, and do:

sudo gedit /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-ng-mb

then hit tab, it doesn't complete the file name.

If I manually just type the whole path, then hit enter, gedit comes up, but the whole file is empty.

I've tried with nano, and have the same result.

But! and this is the really cockeyed thing. if I type:

ls -1 /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/

In the directory listing, espeak-ng-mbrola-generic.conf is there. WTF! I'm like, so! confused now! Huh?


On 07/15/2018 01:27 AM, Didier Spaier wrote:
Hello Christopher,

Try this:
1) edit again /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf, writing:
DefaultModule espeak-ng-mbrola-generic
2) edit /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-ng-mbrola-generic.conf
and replace line 21 the last word and only the last word which is:
by the whole text in the next line (that ends with a dash)
play -q -t au -
I had also success using one of the following alternatives:
play -q -t raw -e signed-integer -r 16000 -b 16 -
aplay -q -r16000 -f S16_BE -

This works in Slint, I assume it works as well in Debian.

I am using a fairly recent speech-dispatcher from git,
but that probably doesn't matter.

Best regards,


Le 15/07/2018 à 04:29, christopher Gilland via orca-list a écrit :

I hear that people like Kyle, and a few others of you on here have gotten the Mbrola voices working with 
Speech-Dispatcher and Orca. I'm attemtping to get them working but undoubtedly am doing something wrong. I 
have a theory what, but I'm not entirely sure.

So far, what I've done with Ubuntu 18.04 is:

1. Made sure my system totally was up to date with:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

2. I installed Mbrola

sudo apt-get install mbrola

Then, I installed the female US voice, and both the male voices

sudo apt-get install mbrola-us1

sudo apt-get install mbrola-us2

sudo apt-get install mbrola-us3

Then, I opened up speechd.conf

sudo gedit /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf

I did a find for mbrola, and found the line that says

#AddModule "espeak-mbrola-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-mbrola-generic.conf"

I removed the number sign at the beginning of that line to uncomment things. I then saved the file, and 
exited gedit.

I then typed,

sudo reboot

I know I could have easily enough just restarted Speech-Dispatcher, but for some reason, I'm having a brain 
fart, and can't remember how to, so rather than breaking things, I figured, just reboot, and be safe.

Once rebooted, I opened Orca preferences, went to the voice page, and under speech synthecizer, I set it to 
Mbrola generic.

I then went to apply, hit space bar on the apply button, and then lost speech entirely.

I suspect that this is because I first need to start the Mbrola service. I'm a little unsure how to do that 
though, or if this is even the issue to start with.

Can someone please explain to me where I went wrong, and exactly what commands in Terminal need to be 
executed to make this work?


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