Re: [orca-list] Need your help to check Orca pre version

hi there chris, all
in fedora there is a command which is simuler to debian/ubuntus
build-dep command.
sudo dnf builddep package name.
so to get and install all of the build dependances for orca you do the folowing.
sudo dnf builddep orca

it'll install the build deps then you can install orca from git
if the build deps are not installed the script will
complain about cirten packages not being installed.

I hope this is of some help.
Majid Hussain

On 09/07/2018, Alex ARNAUD <alexarnaud hypra fr> wrote:
Le 07/07/2018 à 16:07, Arkadiusz a écrit :
Hi, can you please give me inmstructions for Arch Linux? I know that
there is an AUR build but what if I want to build the src myself?

I'm quoting Janina advices for Arch:
Exactly. Arch provides something called the Arch User Repository (AUR).

In the AUR there is a script that can be used to install Orca Master
called orca-git. It follows a common practice on the AUR for enabling
easy installation of leading edge package development versions, i.e.
there are many -git scripts on the AUR. Here's relevant info on

There are also front ends to the standard AUR makepkg app that provide
the functionality of pacman so that, once the front end is installed and
configured, one can update to the last master with a command like the

pacaur -S orca-git

As I say all this I also hasten to add that there are caveats and
various security concerns over which process to follow in using the aUR,
probably even about using it at all. Note also that orca-git needs an
update inasmuch as the GNOME packages have moved since Microsoft bought

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kind regards,
Majid Hussain

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