Re: [orca-list] my report on slint

Eleven gigs is pretty, and wile I don't remember all the desktops offered, in general it'd be very 
simple to just add a simple menu, or just
take an input number in the  case of a shell scripted solution, e.g. 1 for lxde, 2 for mate, 3 for xfce, 4 
for all of the above and 5 for none, and take
a space delimited list for those who want more than one desktop.
And yes, partitioning scares the hell out of many people, even some with years of computing experience, so 
again, very valid point K.C. 
I could script a partioining solution if no one else has the time, and a solid CLI installer would  be much 
less traumatic for most novices, and more than
one otherwise fairlly proficient user. 
How large is the iso download?
I'd like to take it for a test drive, and if anyone is interested see if my accessible fluxbox tricks work on 
the distro.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  kendell clark wrote:
Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 09:25:20PM -0600

   Hi all

   I’ve just finished downloading and installing slint. It is a very
   accessible Linux distro and it is accessible in text mode. But I wasn’t
   able to test the accessibility of the graphical mode, although I do
   believe it works, because the installer starts in text mode. If there is a
   graphical installer, I was unable to find and use it, or start a desktop.
   If I could suggest some fixes, it would be fixing the boot loader
   accessibility which might not be possible because no boot loader is
   accessible regardless of OS, and adding  options to launch desktops, in
   addition to the text installer. Also, there is no way to install only
   portions of the software. You must install all desktops and software
   programs, which is why an installed system takes up 11 gb of space. These
   are  not complaints at all. The slint devs have done a fantastic job,  and
   I have no doubt that all the desktops they include are accessible. So to
   summarize, my list of suggested changes would  d be a graphical installer
   if there isn’t already one, options to boot into desktops, and a way to
   select exactly the software the user wants. That is it. Everything else
   works as advertised. I would also suggest auto partitioning, in both the
   text and graphical installers, since for now the user has to know fdisk,
   gdisk, or cfdisk commands to do it. This is not a complaint either, the
   documentation is very good. I’d be more than happy to help get this done,
   although I cannot code. Yet.


   Kendell Clark


   sent from my ultrabook


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