Re: [orca-list] my report on slint

You could have chosen a graphical startup but got console instead, no problem just run startx and see if you get to graphical. On Tue, 30 Jan 2018, kendell clark wrote:
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2018 22:25:20
From: kendell clark <coffeekingms gmail com>
To: "orca-list gnome org" <orca-list gnome org>
Subject: [orca-list] my report on slint

Hi all
I?ve just finished downloading and installing slint. It is a very accessible Linux distro and it is 
accessible in text mode. But I wasn?t able to test the accessibility of the graphical mode, although I do 
believe it works, because the installer starts in text mode. If there is a graphical installer, I was unable 
to find and use it, or start a desktop. If I could suggest some fixes, it would be fixing the boot loader 
accessibility which might not be possible because no boot loader is accessible regardless of OS, and adding  
options to launch desktops, in addition to the text installer. Also, there is no way to install only portions 
of the software. You must install all desktops and software programs, which is why an installed system takes 
up 11 gb of space. These are  not complaints at all. The slint devs have done a fantastic job,  and I have no 
doubt that all the desktops they include are accessible. So to summarize, my list of suggested changes would  
d be a graphical in
staller if there isn?t already one, options to boot into desktops, and a way to select exactly the software the user wants. That is it. Everything else works as advertised. I would also suggest auto partitioning, in both the text and graphical installers, since for now the user has to know fdisk, gdisk, or cfdisk commands to do it. This is not a complaint either, the documentation is very good. I?d be more than happy to help get this done, although I cannot code. Yet.
Kendell Clark

sent from my ultrabook

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