Re: [orca-list] Got Orca updated, but still having issues

It works the same for me and always has. I'm running ubuntu 17.10 and orca 3.26.0. I usually use the gnome-classic desktop. Maybe that's the problem.

On 02/18/2018 07:01 PM, Christopher Gilland wrote:
OK, I got Orca updated. I'm now on 3.27.4 Pre.

Unfortunately, this didn't fix the issue with me not being able to select text within firefox, and Orca verbally telling me as I do so.

It's not really that I'm not willing to just get over it young, it's not gonna work. It's more I'm concerned, and admittedly stumped why so many of you clame that it works, and does indeed speak while selecting text, yet for me, it's not doing so. If you all are getting a feature to work that I cannot get working, that concerns me. Mainly because, if this is broken for me, who's to say something else isn't as well. I'm hoping Joni or someone else may chime in here eventually.

Matthew Dyre did call me, and we discussed my settings, and configuration a bit. Even he! agrees with me that there is absolutely no reason really why this shouldn't be working. OK, given I'm on a daily build of 18.04, I can kind of see why this would be having issues. I mean, it's a beta. What do you expect? Things can be buggy, come on! But, here's the thing. I've tried this as well on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04, and 17.10. I've tried both with Voxin, and with ESpeak, so it's not a TTS issue either, which, I never thought it was to start with. All those environments were running Orca 3.26, which I updated to 3.27.4 Pre. In both cases, they are not working with Firefox 57, nor with the 52 E S R build.

I'm totally clueless.

I'd love to know if anyone has any idea what on earth is causing this to not work.

I could get you all an Orca debug so you could see what's going on, but I can't remember how to do that, nor where the file is then maintained on the system.


Christopher Gilland
Co-Founder of Genuine Safe Haven Ministries
(980) 500-9575X401

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