Re: [orca-list] WebAIM Screen Reader User Survey #7

Note, that they still include Linux and Orca in the final results, so there's still a point of us showing up.
The main damage of not including Linux and Orca as options in the questions is that users of other platforms, 
who don't know that this is an option, will continue to be ignorant.
And even if they've heard about Linux a11y, excluding it from the survey signals to them that it's not a 
viable option.
However, being present in the final results is still something - those are read (supposedly) by developers, 
so it would be good if they see there are Linux and Orca users, who use Firefox, accessibility on Linux is 
improving, etc.
And as I mentioned Firefox, it continues to be browser number one for accessibility, so it would be good if 
we boost it's rating a bit, giving that JAWS users use primarily  Internet Explorer.

Best wishes,

  Janina Sajka via orca-list wrote:
Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 07:22:26AM -0400

I regret to say so, but I'm with Kyle on this one.

Please note that there's more here than just this cyclical survey. There
anti floss bias is evident in all their work.


Kyle writes:
This would seem to be a waste of my time. I gave up on this survey at least
4 surveys ago, when we were still relegated to "other please specify" status
in spite of the calls for a strong showing during the first 2 or 3 surveys.
It's time to face facts. They simply will never hear us. Sad, but true.
Sent from my Atari 800
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Janina Sajka, Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
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