Re: [orca-list] I definitely need some major major help with Gnome Tweak Tool


Okay so here is a step by step description on how to enable desktop icons in the Tweaks apps also known as Gnome tweak tool.
* Press the super key to expand the activities overview
* Type in tweak
* Wait a few seconds like two or three seconds just in case because gnome shell tends to flood orca with a lot of bogus events while using this part of the search
* If orca does not announce your first search result navigate using your arrow keys until you hear orca reporting Gnome tweak tool or Tweaks depending on your Gnome version.
* Press the enter key to open the app.
* As the app opens you will land in a list of categories. Navigate using up and down arrow keys in this list until you find Desktop.
* Now press ctrl+tab to move out of the list to the focusable control that follows after the list.
* You will land on the first item inside another group of controls. The first item you will recognize is Icons on the desktop label. Press the down arrow key until you find Show icons toggle button not pressed. This is a read only control displaying the current status. Now press the right arrow key and you should land on an unlabelled toggle button. Press that button with a space bar. If it's toggled on you can just close the Tweaks window by pressing alt+F4 keys.
If all the windows are closed you will land on the desktop where you can browse through your icons by pressing arrow keys.
If you can go to Settings -> Keyboard you can find a list of possible actions you can assign a keyboard shortcuts to. There is an unbound action called hide all normal windows. I have bound that to super+d. If I hit super+d all the windows are minimized and desktop content view gains the focus.

Well for getting more familiar with Gnome desktop I don't have suggested exercises for you. I think you can try out some very simple apps such as Videos or Gnome logs just to find out if you can make some good use out of them after having some step by steps instructions related to the Text editor, Files and now Tweaks.

Please continue asking if you need more pointers.



2017-10-19 14:38 GMT+02:00 Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgilland07 gmail com>:
I've tried everything, but maybe I don't understand Peter's message very well about navigating GTK apps.
Basically though, I managed to get the app opened but not in the traditional way.
I had to run gnome-tweak-tool from alt+F2.
See, this is what I mean about Gnome. It just doesn't seem at all intuitive. It's great once you learn the basics, but if you don't know these little nuances, then...
OK, bitching session over. Anyway, all that I wanna do is to have it show a list of desktop icons, and I specifically would like it to show external media I've mounted if that is possible. Like a USB flash drive, or if I insert an SD card, or maybe if I insert a CD/DVD with data. I want it mounted to a desktop like in Unity, or Mate.
Really, that's the only thing I wanna honestly tweak.
So, if someone could tell me step by step what to hit once in the app to do that, I'd appreciate it.

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