[orca-list] More findings regarding Gnome and Unity

First, it was suggested that I try the official Ubuntu Mate desktop installer from
I did so. And yes, it was the 16.04 image. Again, I cannot access any of the pannels.
I was told to try in Unity, to get a more accessible screen of my apps, to hit CTRL+Win+A. I did, and nothing happened. I tried Win+A, without control key, and that brought something up that says appearance toolbar frame, but try as I may in any combination I can think of, I can't navigate the window. Not even with flat review.
Upon installing Gnome, either from the official Ubuntu Gnome image, or by apt getting it, and installing over Unity, either way, even from the live image, Alt F1 isn't taking me to my applications menu. It's bringing up that stupid dash thingy only even more inaccessible than in Unity. At least in Unity, I kind of can navigate the thing, though I can't figure it out. In regular Gnome 3, I can't tab around that thing, I can't arrow around, absolutely nothing! As soon as I start typing in the search field, the window disappears. I swear to God I'm not making this stuff up to cause attention. I mean it. This really is happenning. I'm just as stumped about this as you all are!
I tried plugging in an external USB keyboard, just in case maybe HP did something kurfuckity with my internal laptop keyboard, excuse the language, but even that isn't the case.
I should add that just to isolate things, I've tried with all the above mentioned live installer images.
So, yeah.
I even tried Fedora as mentioned, and it's having the same issue as just plain Gnhome 3, where Alt+F1 doesn't work, Alt+CTRL+Tab to move between panels doesn't work, and hitting Alt+F1 getting that search window thing is again, not navigatable.
So yeah, unless someone can tell me how to navigate that window after hitting the super key in Unity better, I'm afraid I'm now completely out of options.
I want so badly to try Linux, but this is a dealbreaker. If I can't navigate my list of installed apps, then that's enough to totally turn me off.
I get you all, to be fair, are having no issues. I just don't see at all why I always tend to have them but no one else ever does. It's very very frustrating! It's been this way since day 1 when I joined this list back in the days. Everyone seems to be OK, but I'm always having issues.
Trust me, this isn't me throwing around drama on the list either. This is really a member of the list who is super super perplexed. I really don't get this! You all can get things working, so, why in the world if you all can do it can't I? Surely things cannot be that different between my setup and you all's.
I have another idea, but, it's not one I really want to take. It's definitely an extreme overkill last resort, but, I'll bet it would work. The only problem would be out of date things getting updated, then possibly breaking in the process.
I could! theoretically install Vinux, since I know beyond a doubt that works, I can get to my panels, the alt+F1 menu works fine, etc. Then, I could run
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo do-release-upgrade
but, I'm just not sure if that would break things or not. In the past, I've had mixed results trying that, and on a hacked up version of Linux, I'm just not sure that would be advisable. My gut feeling tells me don't attempt.

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