Re: [orca-list] Virtualisation software that works well with Orca

I do have similar script to Mike's and before starting qemu I am setting this variable to force qemu to use pulseaudio for sound.
export QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=pa

And when the guest machine is running I can move its corresponding pulse source-output to whatever sink i.e. if I want to showcase what the VM is playing to my colleagues I will route it to the device with loud speakers connected. For my tinkering I can move it to my bluetooth headset to tinker with.
It works reliably and I am even running Windows 10 this way occassionally.

I am sure qemu can use alsa directly and it hopefully also has some kind of configuration so you can configure its output and input audio device so after digging a bit to the qemu docs you should be able to come up with tweaks for your extensive audio setup.



2017-11-22 2:15 GMT+01:00 Mike Gorse <mgorse alum wpi edu>:
Hi Janina,

Yes, I'm getting sound from within a vm. I mostly use VMs to install/test different versions of SLED and sometimes openSUSE, but I've set up a win10 vm before, and I believe I had NVDA installed there. Here is part of a script that I use to launch it:

if [ x"$1" == "xwin10" ]; then
  qemu-kvm -m 4096 -soundhw hda -usb -netdev user,id=mynet0 -device e1000,netdev=mynet0 -display gtk -hda $1.img
  # if installing, add: -cdrom win10.iso

That being said, I see from another thread that you have a rather complicated sound setup, so I don't know if that would do exactly what you want, but, regardless, it might be worth experimenting with it.

On Tue, 21 Nov 2017, Janina Sajka via orca-list wrote:

All the complexity with sound on Linux has kept me away from graphical
vms hosted on Linux. I had very few issues with sound on my Mac Airbook
using VMware.

So, I'm very interested to hear Mike propose qemu. I know that's very
reliable for console clients. But, Mike, are you actually getting sound,
including TTS, from qemu guest vms? Can you run NVDA in a Windows guest
on a Linux qemu host, for instance?

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