Re: [orca-list] On recent Firefox : Orca doesn't come back in focus mode after opening the spellcheck dialog

Oh. You need to disable e10s. There are still accessibility issues with
it. Having disabled it, are you seeing the problem?

On 03/13/2017 09:30 AM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Le 13/03/2017 à 14:15, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
Sorry for the silly question, but how do you get into the spellcheck
dialog? I'm aware of the option to check spelling as you type. But that
presents suggestions via a context menu.

Sorry I was unclear, I talked about the context menu.

Also are you saying that Orca master does the right thing with Firefox
45 or Firefox 50? If so, any idea what might have changed in Firefox?

yes, Orca does the right things in Firefox 45 or 50.
As I can see e10s is enabled on my machine since Firefox 52.

Best regards.

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