Re: [orca-list] Firefox : big pads make Orca and Firefox unresponsive

Sure, this time I launched it without Orca running and without
accerciser running, and using Firefox 51.0.1 provided by Fedora 25.

1. Not loading, not loading, not loading, not loading (just like
2. After several minutes passed, I launched Orca, alt+tabbed into
   Firefox where the page was not loaded, and used Orca to access
   the version of Firefox by getting into Firefox's about dialog
   via its help menu. Firefox and Orca worked as expected.
3. Started writing this reply to you using Thunderbird and Orca.
   Orca continued to be responsive while the page continued to try
   (but not succeed) in loading.
4. Finally, the page gave up. With the same syntax error, namely:
   "An error occured while loading the pad
   SyntaxError: missing ) after condition in (line 1031)"

But just in case launching Orca caused the error, I once again quit
Orca, quit Firefox, and launched Firefox 51.0.1 with no ATs running and
tried again. Multiple minutes (I think it's been around 7 minutes so
far) have passed and the page still hasn't loaded.

Again, this issue might be accessibility-triggered. (Accessibility
support is enabled in my environment even when neither Orca nor
Accerciser are running. And maybe the syntax error is the result of the
page timing out. But, again, since it happens without Orca running, and
since Orca continues to be responsive even when the problem is
occurring, I'm not sure what I can do to fix this. I'd encourage to you
report it against Firefox.


On 02/20/2017 01:08 PM, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Le 20/02/2017 à 18:54, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
So when I try it using Orca master and Firefox nightly, here's what I

Could you test with Firefox stable or ESR ?

I've since quit Orca, launched Accerciser, and attempted to reload the
pad page. Multiple minutes have passed and the page contents are not
showing up. While this might be accessibility-triggered, the fact that
it happens without Orca running suggests to me that perhaps the issue is
in Firefox/Gecko. Or at least not within Orca.

You're right about that indeed but Nightly could have a bug non-related
to accessibility.

Best regards.

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