Re: [orca-list] playing old text games with dosemu and orca

should i use the "DISPLAY="

before dosemu?

and how to actually use it?

this is on a debian stretch install
Den 2017-04-25 kl. 19:44, skrev Nolan Darilek:
The best luck I've had is with the -dumb (note only single dash) command line option. Unfortunately, while -dumb gets me a prompt, it freezes up whenever I launch an app, and I have to kill it from another console. -t, even as root, bombs out with an SDL error. Note that I have to set "DISPLAY=" before even getting that far, and it just silently fails without even opening a prompt.

Good luck, please let me know if you have any success.

On 04/25/2017 08:50 AM, mattias jonsson wrote:
seems to work in e.g mate-terminal if you start with
dosemu -t
but orca have biig issues to read the output
i see a message that dosemu needs 25 lines of text and i should change some
window settings
but where?

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