There are a few things you can try.
Can you verify if pulseaudio is running after starting orca? If gnome is running and you try to SSH from another computer can you play sounds e.g. by running speaker-test?
Can you use pacmd list-sinks to look if pulseaudio is not muted or if there migt be other obvious issues?
Have you tweaked speech-dispatcher configuration somehow? When you use speech withouth gnome what setup you are using, speakup and espeakup?
How are you starting gnome, are you using GDM? Do you have sound when GDM session is showing? Have you tried to start gnome using startx / xinit?
Hi all,.
A couple of days ago, I reported that I was having problems with orca in gnome after installing arch. I was able to do some more testing and conferm that orca does come up after running orca in the run box in gnome. I am also unable to get sounds in gnome such as the valume sound in gnomre. If I type spd hello, I get nothing. Perhaps this is a problem with speech dispatcher. I do how ever get speech in the consil with speakup just not in the gui with orca. Any ideas on this one. I really do not want to reinstall arch if I can help. I never had this problem. BTW, I used the lates iso talking arch image on the talking arc site. HTH.
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