Re: [orca-list] Web: say "link" before the link's name

Hey Attila.

The ordering related to items which are headings and links depends on
the whether the author has put a link inside a heading or the heading
inside the link.

The other thing to keep in mind is that these should not be seen as a
phrase (which needs to be grammatically correct). It is supposed to be
treated like a list of things which describe the object. In other words,
the text is in a heading and also it is in a link.


On 09/16/2016 07:44 AM, Hammer Attila wrote:

For example in hungarian language if a webpage have an unvisited or
visited link, Orca sends right order the link related informations now:
Visited link"

If a heading level link have a webpage, Orca some time says following
form the heading level link related information:
heading level 1 link"
This is the better form for hungarian language, but some time Orca uses
following form this situation:
heading level 1"
I not remember what determine when using Orca this situation the first
form of heading level links and when using the second form.

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