Re: [orca-list] multiple little issues and one possibly major for pidgin

Hi Tyna.

I don't know if you saw my message (to the list with you CCed) regarding
Pidgin, but yesterday I committed a change to master designed to fix
your Pidgin lag issue. I'd really like you to test it and let me know if
it solves the problem without introducing new ones. I am not committing
it to the GNOME 3.22 branch until I have feedback from you and others.

Regarding the menu items (new page tab) showing up where they do not
belong, I believe that is fixed now. I committed this change to both
master and branch, but I'd still like your testing and feedback.

The short delay when entering flat review in a terminal is still on my
todo list (it's part of the need to optimize the code that ensures we
don't have stale content).

As for the other issue you mentioned with chatroom names not being
presented, I cannot reproduce that. Orca's code looks to see if the
window is active (amongst other checks). From what you are stating, the
window should not be claiming to be active. A full debug.out for this
issue would be helpful.


On 09/06/2016 12:50 PM, Tyna Pelletier-Bilodeau wrote:
the debug.out were sent privately to Johanie. For the 'announce chat
room name' bug, yep it got fixed, partially I'd say. I use pidgin so
single conversation are in a different window than irc chat room for
example, or group chat. If I stay in a window with a single
conversation, I'll hear 'message from chat room '#archlinux''. As soon
as the single conversation window is closed though, and even if I have
multiple chat rooms opened in tabs in the other window, Orca will stop
speaking chat room name. Just tell me if you need another debug.out for
this.. Really sorry for the hard work :D

Le 2016-09-06 10:07, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
Hi Tyna.

Responses inline below.

On 09/05/2016 01:56 PM, Tyna Pelletier-Bilodeau wrote:
that new flat review stuff is awesome ! I just noticed two little
problems with it. For one, braille seems slower in terminal,
This may be due to one of the following:
1. Working around bugs in VTE's accessible text implementation.
2. Ensuring we don't have stale content.

It would be helpful to have a full debug.out in which you reproduce this

Regarding this:

pressing the button on my braille display to go half a line forward --
not sure if I make sense there won't work.
I'm afraid I cannot parse the above statement. Steps to reproduce? Full

I can parse this next one, but I cannot reproduce it:

well in other apps though. Also, I noticed that when you are reviewing
the window with the new flat review, you sometimes hear something that
wasn't supposed to be there (i.e: I'll have a bit of text from irssi,
then, all of a sudden, open a new tab.) why not ?
Concrete steps to reproduce and a full debug.out please.

First of, it seems that pidgin is lagging enormously
when you are in a chat room with a ton of people...
Full debug.out please.

when you go in orca preferences for pidgin and check the checkbox
'announce chat room name' orca won't do it, and will stop speaking any
message if you aren't on the window of a chat.
The above issue I was able to reproduce. Should be fixed in master and
the gnome-3-22 branch.

Regarding the debug.outs: I don't recall if you've ever sent them
before. How to do so is explained here:

If you send debug.out files to the list, they will land in the
moderation queue due to size. So please email them privately to me.

On a related note, please make one debug.out file per issue. I'm sorry
that is more work for you. But debug.out files are huge even when
limited to one quickly-reproduced issue. The more stuff you pack into a
debug.out file, the more difficult it is for me to locate the issue in
that file and the longer it will take me to fix the issue.


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