Re: [orca-list] button sub menus, what to call them?

Hey Kendell.

We'll go with "menu button" since that seems to be what they are called.
See, for instance,
I have committed this change to master, and master only. 3.21/3.22 is
already in string freeze and will remain so.

As for giving focus to the alert, Orca doesn't have difficulty; Orca is
deliberately not taking you out of the focused web page. And Firefox
doesn't put you in that alert. And I just tried with NVDA and focus
didn't go to the alert either.

As for your last item, I'm afraid I ran out of time before I got to the
end of your list. I'll look later.


On 09/05/2016 08:44 PM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all
This is something that recently came to my attention. Steps to
reproduce: enter a user name and a password into a login field in either
firefox or seamonkey. Press alt+r to get to the alert box that asks if
you want to remember the details.

There are two controls there, both reported as "remember button". One is
the button which remembers the details, the other is a button which pops
up a menu with "not now" and "never remember" options. Would it be
possible to call these something like "button menu" or "button sub menu"?

That way you'd know which control you were on. Also, orca seems to have
some difficulty focusing on the alert when it first appears. The easiest
way other than pressing alt+r is to press control+l to get to the
address bar, then tab a few times to land in it.

This could be a firefox issue not an orca one, just thought I'd report
it hear. This happens both in seamonkey and firefox. One last issue
which I'm only reporting because it's at the top of my head. In firefox,
when you're pressing the down arrow to browse through your url history
in the address bar, orca reports the titles of pages instead of their
full URL. In seamonkey, only the full url is spoken. 

I hope I haven't reported this hear before, I can't remember for sure. I
know I've seen it before but can't remember if I reported it.
I'm guessing this is a seamonkey issue? This is with orca master,
completely up to date and sonar linux, also completely up to date.

Kendell Clark

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