Re: [orca-list] Skye and Orca

yes, I'm indeed talking about that version of lib32-qt4. For more info see this thread on archlinux forum:
and the bug report that was opened and closed later on:

Le 2016-11-17 23:53, B. Henry a écrit :
OK, now I understand your original post much better/thanks.
I'll look at the things you mention and see what happens.
I always have kept and recommended that others keep last known to work version of skype, and some other 
things, mozi programs for example.
As for the  lib32-qt4 package, well I've not been ofered any updates that have broken anything.
I have a version from the end of Oct, built on the 25th I think, and not had any seg falting or any 
obnoxcious behavior so far.
Are you building this from source, using a testing repo, or are you having problems with the version
that I am running?
I made plans  to momstly live with out skype a couple or three years ago, i.e. keeep an account active for 
emergency traveling, but not use it on my
production machine(s).
I now have a n android phone that gives me another way to use skype as well, but it is handy to have on my laptop as 
one can say, "just instll skype", and
not need to walk them through alternatives if they do not already have it, and pretty often I find businesses 
that I need to deal with have a skype
I do hope that MS does not make a mess of things, even short term, but one nver knows.
I probably said too much, and certainly do not want to get the anti skype crowd up in arms, nor for that 
matter have ppl think I'm a skype basher.
Thos who know me might know my thoughts re skype, others, well

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