Re: [orca-list] Is it possible to watch orca changes through email?

On Saturday 14 May 2016 10:17 PM, B. Henry wrote:
The problem with such an idea for orca would be that depending on the distro/release of said distro one uses 
the available orca would vary...
I have not heard of anything like the accessibility ppa for any distro other than Ubuntu.  Are there any such 
PPAs for Fedora, Suese, Debian or any
other distro(s)?

I will have to agree with Henry on this point because this is not just true of Orca but the entire free software system.
Free software is high quality, powerful and in most cases industry level.
The only issue I have always seen is that we have different packaging systems. This is the very reason that we are not able to reach to all customers or users. People have their own distro and this is perfectly fine and even necessary if we were to give freedom to people. But different packaging system stops some very good features to be added like the one mentioned in this thread.
Happy hacking.

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