Re: [orca-list] Urgent: Linux accessibility help

I know on stock Ubuntu 16.04 and Vinux 5, which is based on Ubuntu 14.04, you can definitely run Orca 3.20.1. Luke and Rob just pushed this out to Vinux 5 and maybe stock Ubuntu 14.04 just a week or two ago.

On 06/06/16 14:14, B. Henry wrote:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
maybe some package was added or removed that effects orca dependencies, can't remember what it is or if that 
is the case, but kind of think it may be.
YOu certainly should be able to update your orca though.
Luke or Rob who converted ubuntu 14.04 to vinu5 should remember anything they had to tweak to make latest 
accessibility a reality.
I don't have a stock 14.04 image so can't test things quickly.

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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