Re: [orca-list] mate panel bug fixed, another one filed.


Many thanks for your work. It seems they need Orca team help. I hope
Joanie will have some answers for them.

On my Debian (MATE 1.14), alt-ctrl-d displays desktop, but arrow keys
don't display nothing in Orca. Is it known? Is it fixed in commit you

Seems your bug reports affect mate-panel and applets, but what about
this problem?

I'll try to see your bugreports to comment if needed.


Le 03/06/2016 à 09:41, kendell clark a écrit :
hi all
As some of you might or might not know, after the update from mate panel
1.12 to mate panel 1.14, accessibility of the panel was broken
completely. I reported this to the orca list but no one responded, so I
filed the following bug against mate panel upstream.
This has since been fixed upstream in the 1.14 branch of mate panel.
Manjaro, which is what sonar is based on, is currently creating an
updated mate panel package which contains this fix so accessibility will
be fixed within the next couple of hours. I've since filed another issue
against mate panel for inaccessible applets at Would everyone
who use mate panel mind commenting on this one? I've noted the following
applets as inaccessible. The clock, the universal access applet, and the
power management applet when no battery is present. I'd also like to
list the sound volume applet, although it is accessible if you press
control+f1, this is a pretty well hideen trick that isn't documented
anywhere so far as I know. This trick doesn't work on the clock,
universal access or the power manager applet.
Kendell Clark

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