Re: [orca-list] problems with, and fictionpress and clickable items

it works!!!! :)
thanks so much for the fix!! :)

On 19/07/2016, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:
Hey Majid.

I believe the problem is two-fold assuming the steps to reproduce are
exactly as you say.

1. In order to change one of the values, like rating, you need to be
   in focus mode. But when you're in focus mode structural navigation
   commands (including the list of elements dialogs) don't work. Because
   in focus mode Orca just passes along all commands to the browser.
   That way Orca doesn't stomp on web app commands. If you are not
   switching to browse mode after changing the rating, then I would
   expect nothing to happen the second time you relaunch the clickables
   dialog. If this is what you're doing (or failing to do), it is
   something you have to fix in yourself. <smiles>

2. The Apply clickable isn't immediately added. Bah. So if you fix the
   problem in yourself, you'll get a clickable list dialog but Apply
   won't be added. I just added some cache clearing to Orca master which
   should fix this problem. Fixed it for me anyway.

As for why restarting Orca fixes it, believe it or not that's not
strange. It solves the first problem because if you don't manually
change focus (e.g. by pressing Tab in the filters), you're in browse
mode; not focus mode. It solves the second problem because the Apply
clickable is already there and there's no stale cache.

Anyhoo, please pull master and retest and see if the problem is now
solved for you. Thanks!


On 07/14/2016 09:27 AM, Majid Hussain wrote:
hi there,

stepps to reproduce,
go to
and launch the list of clickables
the list of clickables comes up
find the clickable named filters, orca will call it filters section

activate that clickable
after you have done this you will see a list of dropdown boxes with
options such as sort, update date, time range all, and genre all.
change one of the values such as rateing.
try to relaunch the list of clickables what should happen,
the list of clickables should pop up again
what happens at least for me is nuthing.
 strangely when orca is rebooted and i go and relaunch the clickables
list it launches and i'm able to click on apply

running the very latest version of orca master as of a few minutes ago.

I hope this is of some help,
Majid Hussain
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