While I don't think you can easily update to latest orca using debian stable you caould update to 3.18 with out much trouble when I set up my Debian
machine last year.
I wonder if this is now harder to do, i.e. I tink I got my orca version from testing, and dependencies were not broken for other programs when I updated
what ever I had to update to ake the newer orca version work.
IL would certainly look at posibilities if I were you, i.e. there have been major improvements in orca over the last couple of years, and if you can get
3.18 you will probably notice significant improvements.
This will not address the feature you want, and this may be hard due to Debian's strict dependencys and conservative update philosophy, but perhaps someone
who uses Debian as their primary distro can speak to the posibility of updating beyond 3.18. I know quite a few people use debian ulnstable so they can get
latest orca and accessibility stack, and while I feel that using unstable defeats most of the reason I would consider using Debian, this is me, and Linux
gives uls many alternatives to meet a variety of needs and use profiles.
  Registerd Linux User 521886
 Felipe López wrote:
Thu, Jul 07, 2016 at 03:58:45PM -0500
>Â Â Hi,
>Â Â I started using ORCA yesterday, and I noticed that when reading a web page
>Â Â that specifies the language of the whole page or parts of its content
>Â Â using the "lang" attribute does not make ORCA read in each language. It
>Â Â just keeps reading all the content using the pronunciation of the system's
>Â Â default language.
>Â Â Do I have to configure/install something for ORCA to read the content in
>Â Â the appropriate language? Or is it that ORCA does not have this feature
>Â Â yet?
>Â Â I'm using GNOME 3 on Debian 8 with ORCA 3.14.0.
>Â Â Thanks,
>Â Â P.S.: Thanks for working on ORCA, it is a great thing to have :)
>Â Â --
>  Luis Felipe López Acevedo
>Â Â [1]http://sirgazil.bitbucket.org/
> References
>Â Â Visible links
>Â Â 1. http://sirgazil.bitbucket.org/
> _______________________________________________
> orca-list mailing list
> orca-list gnome org
> https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/orca-list
> Orca wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca
> Orca documentation: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/
> GNOME Universal Access guide: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html
> Log bugs and feature requests at http://bugzilla.gnome.org