[orca-list] an interesting bug

hi all
I'm writing in to report an odd bug. Steps to reproduce. Open a mozilla
based browser (firefox, seamonkey, etc). Turn on caps lock with the caps
lock key. Orca will usually not announce that the caps lock key is on.
Press alt+shift+b to open up the list of buttons. Instead, the bookmark
menu pops up. The other shortcuts, alt+shift+k to open up the list of
links, alt+shift+l to open up the list of lists, etc don't work either.
The interesting thing about this is that even once caps lock is turned
off the bug persists. The only way I've found to bring it back is either
to kill orca or close your browser and re open it with caps lock off.
Can anyone else confirm this? This is with sonar linux 64 bit,
completely up to date as of ten minutes ago, with an up to date orca master.
Kendell Clark

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