Re: [orca-list] Please test master with Gtk+ 3 (re typeahead search and caja event spam)


Le 26/12/2016 à 14:29, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL a écrit :
For the "text" topic, I understand your point. That's right, on the text
area, the keyboard has a different behavior than on icons themselves.
Let's try so with this "cleaning" you did, and we'll see.

I agree, with the additional patches and porting to GTK2, it's quite
great now, thanks a lot!

We managed to backport to 3.16 and with GTLv, so we'll have a quick
feedback foro users.

Not yet, what I backported was my version of the fix that simply ignored
the entry field, plain and simple, not the more elaborate version
Joanmarie wrote.  I'll try backporting the new fixes from master now --
hopefully it should be alright, if it's anything similar to what I saw


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