Re: [orca-list] alt+super+s to start orca

It is the GNOME keyshort to start the screen reader since 3.9 (so first
stable release was 3.10):

But then it is true that any specific distro can use it or not.

On 25/04/16 19:20, Burt Henry wrote:
I think any distro that uses the gnome desktop and has orc installed  has 
this keystroke available. 
This started quite a few gnome versions ago, but not sure if it has been 
around since gnome 3.0 or if it was adopted a bit later. 
Also on Vinux5 this binding works on Mate. 
Besides gnome3 and mate on Vinux as indicated by Peter, alt super s 
toggles orca on or off on relatively recent versions of Ubuntu/unity, i.e. 
at least since Ubuntu 14.04, Trusty Tar..., but I think it was used 
earlier than this.
To the best of my knowledge no recent distro/release uses any other hotkey 
to start/stop orca, but I've certainly not tried everything out there.
Again, Gnome shell is the common denominator that these Linux flavours 
share with the exception of Vinux5.0.
Perhaps someone who is using mate 3.10 and or 3.12 can chime in as to 
whether or not mate has adopted the orca toggle keybinding. If they have 
not, someopne should contact the developers and suggest this, and explain 
the importance in trying to make the accessiblity experience as uniformly 
available across distros and graphical environments as possible. 

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