[orca-list] yasr

Reading Peter's recommendation for an accessible raspberryPi setup I was re-reminded of yasr. For those who have not heard of it, yasr is an old screenreader that worked, and hopefully with a bit of tlc still works both in consoles and in terminal emulators, e.g. gnome-terminal or lxterminal. It stopped working out of the box after Ubuntu 10.04 in that distro, not sure about others. Recently I heard a guy got it to work pretty well on apple computers' consoles, (or wopuld that be terminal emulator windows?/sorry, no Mac experience here). Anyway, I want to give it a try on one or more distros now. Any experiences, tips or tricks that could save me from having to reinvent the wheel as it were would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help.

B. Henry
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