Re: [orca-list] yasr


Some quick steps describing how I am running YASR on Arch linux.

To clone and build yasr from git...

git clone git:// yasr
cd yasr
rm missing
autoreconf -i
./ --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var

I like the fact yasr is portable thus it is not necessary to install it.
You will get a binary at ./yasr/yasr
Don't run it, prepare your personal config file first.
cp yasr.conf ~/.yasr.conf
And edit the file so yasr will talk to speech-dispatcher.
These lines have to be present and other similar other synth specific ones have to be commented out:
synthesizer=speech dispatcher
synthesizer port=
Now start speech-dispatcher if it's not running e.g. by running
spd-say "hello world"
Now run a socat command in background that will listen on the IP / port you have configured in ~/.yasr.conf and redirect it to the user specific speechd unix socket (thx Zahary for this tip): socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:6560,fork UNIX:/run/user/`id -u`/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock &

And you should get yasr talking. Nice thing is that it handles UTF-8 in terminal as it should, it is super responsive and if you are crazy, you can even run it within gnome terminal or other graphical terminal emulator.

I know this should be packaged more nicelly and patched to dirrectly connect to speech-dispatcher. I have only started using it recently and I don't yet know how to do it, so perhaps I'll try to find a better way in the future.

We have recently discussed it in slightly more details in the Sonar GNU linux support list with Kendel if you wish to look it up.



On 25.04.2016 at 20:43 Burt Henry wrote:

Reading Peter's recommendation for an accessible raspberryPi setup I was re-reminded of yasr. For those who have not heard of it, yasr is an old screenreader that worked, and hopefully with a bit of tlc still works both in consoles and in terminal emulators, e.g. gnome-terminal or lxterminal. It stopped working out of the box after Ubuntu 10.04 in that distro, not sure about others. Recently I heard a guy got it to work pretty well on apple computers' consoles, (or wopuld that be terminal emulator windows?/sorry, no Mac experience here). Anyway, I want to give it a try on one or more distros now. Any experiences, tips or tricks that could save me from having to reinvent the wheel as it were would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help.

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