[orca-list] Heads up, Braille in 16.04.

Hi folks.
Unfortunately due to some misunderstanding on how some things worked on my part, and properly testing things 
cleanly at the time, BrlTTY as of the latest version in 16.04 is not properly functional. Neither enabling it 
in /etc/default/brltty nor plugging in a USB display and having BrlTTY launch will work. This is a result of 
me trying to fix BrlTTY not working with udev in the first place. I have identified the problems, and have 
uploaded a fixed package to the Ubuntu Accessibility dev PPA, 
http://launchpad.net/~accessibility-dev/+archive. The fixes in this updated package will be pushed into 
Ubuntu proper as soon as possible, and when they are, I will let everybody know.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and I thank you in advance for your understanding.


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