Re: [orca-list] Libreoffice Calc gets slower and slower with Orca running

Alex ARNAUD <alexarnaud member fsf org> wrote:
I see only few solutions :
- open subject on LibreOffice mailling list with lot of blind that tell
their experience with LibreOffice a11y and some issues. I believe if we have
some people the LibreOffice community should take care about accessibility.
- make a crowd-founding to pay people to solve LibO bugs
- take positions inside the FreeDocument Foundation for being accessibility

Anyone has a better or another idea ?

Settle down and write some C++ code to fix the bug - someone in the
LibreOffice community may be willing to help you to find the code which needs
to be modified if you're prepared to make the changes, test them and submit a

Obviously, this only applies to people who know enough C++ to be useful, or
who are willing to work through one of the good books on the subject.

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