Re: [orca-list] copyinig accessible bridge file trick not working to get skype to speak on arch

I was not detailed in my explanation of what I did, sorry, but I did indeed get the 32bit qt-at-spi package a 
few months ago, and unless I missed a 
recent update nothing has changed there...I'll double check now to make sure that there's not a more recent 
version, but I have done exactly the same 
thing I did as you explain Peter, copying the 32bit .so file in to the dir I created in /usr/lib32/qt....
I suppose my file could be corrupted, also, but I have no reason to think this has happened...will download 
the 32bit package again on the off chance 
this is the case.
OK, I see there's apparently a new version since I last downloaded,hopefully that was the problem.
Yes, silly me...I obviously did not notice the last qt-atspi update although I was pay8ing attention, and had 
not double check package versions for a 
bit, well since june 15 it
Thanksfor confirming that things were still working as before.../will rewrite my accesible skype installation 
script to check for updates to qt-at-spi.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Peter Vágner wrote:
Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 08:49:49PM +0200


I am sorry but most likelly you are miss understanding this hack.
The thing is that on 64 bit machine you do need to have 32 bit build of
qt-at-spi not at-spi2-atk or any other gnome library. I haven't found a way
on how to build from source but luckily enough manually downloading i686
package extracting a proper file out of it and placing it where lib32-qt4
expects it to be is working fine.

In order to install or update this hack to the latest available version run
the following command sequence exactly in this order from the terminal...

mkdir /tmp/lib32-qt-at-spi
cd /tmp/lib32-qt-at-spi
wget "";
-O "qt-at-spi-i686.pkg.tar.xz"
tar xvf "qt-at-spi-i686.pkg.tar.xz"
sudo rm -Rf /usr/lib32/qt/plugins/accessiblebridge
sudo mv usr/lib/qt4/plugins/accessiblebridge /usr/lib32/qt/plugins/
rm -Rf /tmp/lib32-qt-at-spi

By default wget is not installed on pure arch linux so if you are missing it
you can use curl or any other suitable app to download the file.
If you just want to follow this without tweaking then you can install wget
by running
sudo pacman -S wget

I have just tested it and it indeed works fine here.



On 17.09.2015 at 20:26 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
I have in the following folder:

Since you are using arch, I found in the uar repository a package called
I tried to compile and install the package but no luck for the lack of
some dependencies .

On 09/17/2015 02:58 PM, B. Henry wrote:
I finally went on and put pulseaudio on my arch box so I could use skype
there/using alsa for everything that does not require PA.
Skype works, copied a working .Skype dir to get past license and log-in
prompts with out sighted assistance, and can use skype with CLI helper
apps, but
as you already probably inferred from the need to reuse a .Skype dir
there's no speech.
I made the dir in /usr/lib32 and copied the accessiblebridge file in  to
place which used to be all that was required to get skype to speak.
Has something changed, and or is there a new way to get skype accessible
with Orca on arch?
I had trouble with one manjaro F123 instance some time ago not speaking,
another worked correctly.
Any ideas?

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