Re: [orca-list] The page that cannot be normally used

Well, the thing is different. Sometimes in case of such webpages the workaround is to click on the element. if I cannot navigate by keyboard because orca does not get that, I would try to use this as a clickable. Here is the problem that the flat review does not get those items, and that is the issue, because you have no other way to click elements unless using a physical mouse.

W dniu 03.09.2015 o 23:16, Joanmarie Diggs pisze:
Hi Michał.

On 09/02/2015 01:26 PM, Michał Zegan wrote:

But, I have a problem with it. I cannot choose anything from lists.
Confirmed. When I switch to focus mode I can use space and the arrows to
pop up the lists and change the selected item. But we are getting
absolutely no accessible events as a result. Orca has no idea that
anything has changed.

Can you reproduce/fix that?
I think this is inaccessible due to the authoring. I cannot make
accessible events materialize out of thin air, so I cannot fix it (or
even hack around it) in Orca. Sorry!


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