Re: [orca-list] Virt-manager

You didn't look at the link I posted did you?  *Sigh* Gnome Boxes works with KVM.  It's also part of Gnome 
so, it's in all the major distributions which, of course, includes Ubuntu.  I get that other people sent you 
stuff on Virtual Box and it's not what you were after but 1, I wasn't one of them and 2, sometimes, people 
can't give you precisely what you are after but they can get you closer than you were before and, lastly 3, 
it's aid freely given by people who could just as easily have ignored you.  You came across as peevish and 
rude and if there's one thing that drives me up the wall is somebody who cops an attitude with people who 
were just trying to help.  Apt-cache show or search are not the only ways to find out what a package does 
since you are at the mercy of the package maintainer(s) for getting an often cryptic description or an 
incomplete list of packages that work well with it.  Some stuff might be tucked away in metapackages and 
hidden from you unless you go through each and every one.  A simple google search consisting of Gnome-boxes 
kvm yielded the link I sent you which clearly states that it supports what you wanted.  Another link that 
came up in that google search states that it was designed so that people who didn't need all the 
functionality used by a system administrator could easily create virtual machines without having to run 
something as complex as virt-manager.  Please allow me to illustrate what comes up in this google search:

Now then, if it turns out you are not being snotty and rude, I do apologize unreservedly to you publicly and 
before all the members of this list.  If, however, my initial impression is correct, I urge you to remember 
that people on these lists are only trying to help and it is extremely off-putting when somebody behaves 
ungraciously just because they didn't get precisely the answer they were looking for.  It will make people 
think twice before answering any future inquiry from you if you get a reputation for that kind of behavior.  
Just saying.

Have a good day,
Alex M

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Baechler [mailto:tony baechler net] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 4:15 AM
To: Alex Midence
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Virt-manager

No, it isn't clear.  I did a thorough package search before posting my question.  There were 74 items as I 
recall.  I specifically searched for KVM.  The gnome-boxes package didn't come up.  A package called 
virt-manager did come up.  That is why I put virt-manager in the subject and asked about it specifically.  I 
then followed by saying that if Virt-manager is not accessible, what alternative is accessible and supports 
KVM?  I was not interested in VirtualBox as I said in my first paragraph.  Since gnome-boxes did not come up 
in my package search for KVM in Debian testing, I can safely assume either A. it is not packaged in Debian 
testing, so it's probably not in Ubuntu 15.04 either, or B. it is packaged but doesn't support KVM. 
Therefore, while it's good to know the package exists, it is not what I'm after.  Since there could have been 
a language barrier, perhaps the person replying didn't understand that I was only interested in KVM, so 
apparently my original post was not clear.  Just for my own interest, I'll look at it, but I don't think it's 
what I'm after.

On 8/31/2015 7:00 AM, Alex Midence wrote:
You were abundantly clear, pal.  I gave you something I knew worked with KVM but wasn't sure how accessible 
it was.  Next time, do a google search to see if you are about to make an ass out of yourself before 
responding so rudely to someone who took time out of their schedule to try and help you out.  Here's a link:

Clear enough for ya?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Baechler [mailto:tony baechler net]
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 6:46 AM
To: Alex Midence
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Virt-manager

I did an apt-cache search for kvm and came up with many items.  The package you mention was not among them. 
 Therefore, I don't think it supports KVM.
This is assuming it's packaged in Ubuntu MATE.  I don't know what was not clear about my post, but I 
specifically was asking about KVM support.  As it turns out, virt-manager is very accessible and is 
developed by Red Hat.

On 8/29/2015 6:25 AM, Alex Midence wrote:
I seem to remember an application called Boxes which does this sort of thing. It is part of the Gnome 
desktop so I am sure that it has  some a11y support  but I do not know to what extent.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 29, 2015, at 4:52 AM, Tony Baechler <tony baechler net> wrote:


Is virt-manager accessible?  Obviously the VNC viewer isn't, but what about the GUI for creating and 
managing virtual machines?  This looks like something I might want to play with now that I have a CPU 
with hardware virtualization and Ubuntu MATE installed, but I don't want to install it if it isn't 
accessible.  I know I can run KVM directly from the command line, but it would be nice to not have to do 
that every time.  I would either have to write startup scripts for my VMs or enter a long command every 
time which is prone to errors.  It would also be nice to be able to create new VMs with a GUI like 
VirtualBox or VMWare without having to study the man page every time to find the correct command line 
parameters for the CPU model, disk image and memory allocation that I want.  If virt-manager isn't 
accessible, what is accessible that uses KVM?

Tony Baechler, Baechler Access Technology Services Putting 
accessibility at the forefront of technology 
mailto:bats batsupport com
Phone: 1-619-746-8310   Fax: 1-619-449-9898
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Tony Baechler, Baechler Access Technology Services Putting accessibility at the forefront of technology 
mailto:bats batsupport com
Phone: 1-619-746-8310   Fax: 1-619-449-9898

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