[orca-list] strange issues in orca when using espeak

hi all
This one's been around for a while but I've just now gotten around to
tracking it down. Steps to reproduce
Open up a text editor, any will do so long as orca can read it.
Enter a string of all caps text, preferably in sentence form,  the
actual text doesn't matter. Then enter a new line, followed by non
capitalized text. Espeak's pitch will rise as it's supposed to when
encountering capitalized text, but when encountering the non capitalized
text, the pitch does go down, again like it's supposed to, but the
frequency ... I hope that's the right word, takes a few seconds to level
out. The best description I can think of is it sounds vaguely like a
chipmunk but at normal pitch. The other issue is when handling elipsis
characters. Orca speaks "..." when encountering them, even though espeak
speaks them just fine, which is a trailing pause. I've brought this up
before and don't want to beat a dead horse. I personally would like to
leave this character up to the individual synth, but I don't know if
there are any synthesizers who don't handle this character well. I know
voxin handles it just fine, not so sure about festival or the commercial
voices. I seem to remember most commercial voices treating it like a
period. Any thoughts? I'll be asleep for the next few hours but will
answer any new replies that come in when I'm awake. I'm not sure if the
pitch issue is an orca one or speech-dispatcher, which is why I'm
reporting it to this list. The elipsis one is hard coded in orca
somewhere, I think in speech-generator.py but I'm not absolutely sure.
Kendell clark

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