Re: [orca-list] another bugg with a site

Hi Majid.

I can confirm that Orca doesn't say "To;". Here's what is going on:

1. Google did not provide a proper label for that field (via a label
   element, or via ARIA). This means that Orca has to try to guess the
   label from the surrounding text.
2. Looking at my debug.out captured from reproducing this issue, I see
   quite a few lines with "FAIL" followed by a description of the Gecko
   bug giving us bad text results.

So I can add this to my list of problems of things to try to hack around
in Orca. But the real fix is for each of the above issues to be fixed by
the entities in question.


On 10/18/2015 08:37 AM, Majid Hussain wrote:
hay there,

this bugg is to do with the mobile version of gmail.
stepps to reproduce.
go to
make sure you are on the mobile version of the site sometimes takes you to the non-mobile version.
when on, click on the compoze mail link.
when the page loades, tab around.
the first box is not labled.
it is the too box where you type the adress of the person you want to
send a message too.
Majid Hussain
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