Re: [orca-list] qt-at-spi

I don't have qt4 and vlc is  mostly accessible except  for some strange
playback behavior.

Kyle <kyle4jesus gmail com> wrote:

As far as I am aware,  qt-at-spi is no longer developed. I'm not sure
that any bugfixes are backported, as at-spi support is baked right into
qt5 now. That said, qt-at-spi is still needed for qt4 applications, and
I think there are still a few of those around that are not yet ported.
Notable applications that still need qt-at-spi include Mumble 1.2.x,
unless there is a 1.3.x release now, which is said to have been ported
to qt5, vlc, which still depends on qt4 for its primary interface and
VirtualBox, if you don't want to build VM's from a command line or by
writing out an XML configuration file. I do hope they eventually port
these, as qt5 works much better with Orca, and is still getting bugs
fixed upstream, including at-spi bug. Hope this helps.
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