[orca-list] strange behavior on certain web pages, Orca skips content

Hello all,
I wonder if this has been reproduced before,
Go to this page http://turbogears.readthedocs.org/en/latest/turbogears/minimal/ This is the page for learning Turbogears, a web application framework in Python. Now when reading the page, I find that the places where Python code is written, Orca plainly skips the text, On going up with the up arrow and then using down arrow to read it, I get Orca to read it line by line correctly.
For example see the following text.
"Keep in mind that using a virtual environment is the suggested way to install TurboGears without messing with your system packages and python modules. To do so we need to install the virtualenv package:

$ pip install virtualenv

Now the virtualenv..."

Well when Orca is in the mode for reading full page (capslok + ; ) in my case, the $pip install command is not read out at all.
I have to individually use the arrow keays to read it.
So it happens consistently where ever the code is and orca skips reading it when reading the full page.(aca read entire document ).
Kindly let me know if this can be reproduced.
happy hacking.

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