Re: [orca-list] Two sayall related question

Hey Attila.

On 03/06/2015 10:13 AM, Hammer Attila wrote:

This is right? If not, possible change this working method in Gecko
applications related?

I'll take a look at the above issue.

2. If the screen saver enabled in GNOME3, after the screen saver
activated the sayall operation is terminated.
This is the right working method with sayall related?

I myself think it is the right thing to do because when the screen
blanks, you're no longer in the application where the SayAll (or
whatever it is you were doing) is taking place. I did a quick non-Orca
experiment in which I launched Gedit, and waited for the screen to blank
out. After it was blank, I typed a letter. The letter did not go into
Gedit; it just unblanked the screen (I have the lock screen disabled on
the system in question). And as an sighted user, if I'm just reading the
document and the screen blanks out while I'm doing so, I'm no longer
reading the document.

In this particular case, I think the problem is that GNOME 3's default
setting for screen blanking out is way, way too low. I myself have this
very problem and one of the first things I do on a newly-installed
system is increase the amount of time which must pass before the screen
blanks out. You'll find the option in the control center under the power


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