Hi all
I often use numbered bookmarks specially when working with web
E.G Google Contacts, In a call center We need to jump quickly to
phone number of a contact and then jump back to search field.
Bookmarks are specially useful when applications doesn't have any
method keynav to jump quickly to a specific place.
So +1 for keypress for jump to a specific bookmark
On 11/06/15 16:08, Storm Dragon wrote:
I use bookmarks pretty often. The jump to bookmark by number
feature is one thing I feel I almost couldn't do without. It makes
it really quick to go to different parts of a page. So, I hit ins1
to go to the first mark, get the info I need, then jump back to
ins5 the fifth bookmark in like a split second. So pretty please
with sugar on top keep that functionality. The rest sounds fine to
On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 05:48:50PM -0300, José Vilmar Estácio de
Souza wrote:
Hi Joanie.
to be honest, I never used the bookmark function.
However, the suggestions you're proposing seem very reasonable.
On 06/11/2015 05:37 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.
Looking more at the bookmark code, I've got the following
ideas and
would love your feedback to see if you agree or if I should
just leave
well enough alone. <smiles>
1. I think a list-of-bookmarks dialog would be helpful, just
like we
have for structural navigation objects.
2. I think the next and previous bookmark commands are useful,
and are
also like structural navigation objects.
3. I question the value of having all these keybindings for
bookmarks. (i.e. there are 6 separate bindings for adding
there are another 6 separate bindings for then going to a
bookmark.) Are these really needed, or would it be sufficient
to have
next, previous, and a list-of? Furthermore, if we get away
from these
numbered bookmarks, you could add however many you wanted and
then use
the list-of dialog to get at them if next/previous was too far
4. I would like to remove the "where am I" bookmark
functionality. To
begin with, it's unbound and broken. Secondly, it appears that
working the functionality would be something like this: You
press one of
the numbered bookmarks. Let's say bookmark 5. Then Orca would
tell you
if the current object you're on is: a) the same as bookmark 5
b) has the
same parent as bookmark 5, c) shares some common ancestor with
5, or d) can't figure it out. I cannot imagine how knowing
information would be of any use. And since it's been broken
for a while,
and is also unbound, I'm guessing you all haven't found a use
for it either.
I have other ideas and questions, and I'm sure you do as well.
But let's
start with the above.
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José Vilmar Estácio de Souza
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