[orca-list] Orca isn't presenting all the info on GNU Social Sites

At the end of each notice on GNU Social sites is a bit that shows where the info came from. For example, it may say something like "A few 
seconds ago, from web". But, sometimes this info is skipped, most often when it is not a link I think. I have a client I am currently writing in 
bash called Gasher, and if I post anything from gasher, when I get to the part of th webpage that should display "from Gasher" it just says 
"footer". I thought that part of my site was broken it leaves it out so completely. Even when I read by word, it skips it. only if I 
navigate by character, do I find "from Gasher" on the page. To reproduce, go to:
On there, look for anything that doesn't show the from part.
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