Re: [orca-list] Clean up of Live Regions has begun! Try Google Docs

Just to clarify one point. Linux users have had the ability to use Google Docs for the last three or four years. My previous employer used Google Docs extensively, and using Chrome and ChromeVox, I was able to use Google Docs just fine on Linux, including collaborating simultaneously with my peers. I whole heartedly support Joanmarie's efforts to get Google Docs working with Firefox and Orca, but I don't want blind people thinking that Google Docs was a non-starter on Linux.

On 06/03/2015 12:10 AM, B. Henry wrote:
When this works for me it is very responsive, but behavior is quite irratic.
Does the live region setting matter here?
Often mine seems to change on its own when I'm working with a doc. Often things go from some setting to off, 
but sometimes the setting does stay as I
last put it.
When I can navigate in the wysiwyg it just works, or it's a single press of orca a that gets the mode setting 
right it seems, not the double press to
make focus mode sticky.
At times I can do nothing to get orca to read in the wysiwyg it seems,  other than refresh the page.
Perhaps some issues are caused by the sluggish internet here, but honestly it's much better than it's ever 
been, i.e. far from blazing fast, but not
dropping connections  like it used to do.
In the wysiwyg punctuation that is read when in the review tab is not read, e.g. the period, question mark, 
and dash are neither announced when I type
them, nor when I review using arrows. I suspect this is a g-docs thing, but if there's a way around it orca 
side it's needed as long as it does not
destroy performance. I'll ask about this on the google accessibility list as well.
The other issue I run in to is focus jumping around, sometimes though. At other times it behaves 
consistentlyl. I'm talking about in the controls, not
in the edit area.
I know ther's a lack of precission in my explanations above re the focus thing,  but most of the last hour 
has been spent trying to get orca to focus on
the wysiwyg, or speak when there. The latter is not as frequent an issue as the former.
Usually as long as I stay in the wysiwyg it is stable, but rarely can I leave and comoe back with out a fight.
If a debug log would be helpful I'll be glad to make one sometime tomorrow.
All my testing just now was done after a reboot and working on a new document.
  Even if I have to refresh the page to get the wysiwyg to speak each time I enter it this will be great, but 
right now it's still very hit or miss.
This is very exciting, and I hope it does not cause too many headaches for you. G-docs, sheets, etc are far 
too widely used to not have access too with
Linux, i.e. this could mean jobs for people who other wise would have to use that other OS, and we don't want 
anhyone to have to do that who does not
want to, do we??
Thanks so much.

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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